AI Copilots like REX (Recruitment.Exchange) are redefining recruitment as we know it. Recruitment professionals like you can now embrace the future of recruiting by downloading the REX mobile app.

The Struggle is Real: Securing Top Talent Quickly

In today’s competitive talent market, recruiters receive a relentless barrage of applications every minute, making it almost impossible to identify top talent accurately and immediately. Sifting through thousands of resumes is a very time-consuming process for recruiters across organizations.
Cumbersome Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and Recruitment Management Systems tend to fall short in a market that demands agility and efficiency. This leads to static workflows and endless resume scanning with few actionable insights. With cutting-edge AI transforming various industries at a rapid pace, a recruitment revolution is long overdue.

Introducing Recruitment.Exchange (REX): Your AI-powered Mobile Recruitment Copilot

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REX is here to make recruitment efficient, dynamic, and result-driven. It utilizes a powerful AI-driven engine that understands each candidate’s unique background and skills better than ever before.

By leveraging the world’s largest domain intelligent Large Graph Model (LGM) for Skills, REX automatically screens thousands of profiles in seconds and provides an inventory of skills. For each skill, it provides the proficiency of candidates as expert, advanced and proficient.

It also pinpoints every candidate’s skill expertise. For instance, in which skills candidate is expert, which are the advanced skills possessed by candidates, and for which skills the candidate is proficient. REX empowers dynamic organizations like yours to truly experience the transformative power of Domain AI in recruitment and break free from the tedious, and time-consuming manual screening processes.
REX will also help you effectively cut through the clutter, identifying the ideal candidates for your open positions faster than ever before, leaving no room for wasted time and missed opportunities.

In-depth Skill Analysis at your fingertips

Traditional systems often rely solely on keyword searches and matches, missing out on the real context of the user while looking for the matching candidates, This approach often results in inaccurate matches and misses out on actual qualified candidates.
With REX, you can match by skill and its context, not just keywords. This helps focusing your energy on right-matching candidates and making faster, smarter, data-driven decisions that will go a long way in your recruiting process.
REX effectively identifies skill expertise by analyzing each candidate’s profile in depth, determining proficiency levels across various skill sets, and categorizing them into ‘Expert’, ‘Advanced’, or ‘Proficient’. This is done using the Skill Proficiency Analyzer™ (SPA), a unique domain intelligent set of algorithms which automatically identifies a candidate’s skill expertise. REX provides valuable insights into your talent pool, revealing skill gaps and emerging trends, and enabling you to stay ahead of the curve.

The Power is in Your Pocket: Mobile Recruiting App

The beauty of a mobile AI copilot is accessibility – anytime and anywhere at your fingertips. Recruiters who leverage the power of AI can effectively focus on building relationships with top talent and hiring them faster than the competition.
Streamlining the entire recruitment operations with light-touch applicant tracking functionalities, REX helps you identify the perfect match in seconds and form meaningful professional connections instantly. REX allows you to communicate, engage, and recruit candidates right from your phone screen, so you can take advantage of downtime or grab any unexpected windows of opportunity.

REX is revolutionizing recruitment by putting the power directly in your hands.

Traditional methods require you to shift between various platforms for identifying right-matching candidates, calls, emails, and scheduling, prolonging the entire process. Using the REX mobile app can help you communicate with potential candidates right from your device, making communication flow effortlessly with just a single click.
By embracing AI technology, your organization can achieve peak efficiency, identify top talent quicker, and ultimately build high-performing teams. In a domain that requires speed, precision, and strategic thinking, REX is built to maximize recruitment efficiency.
Download the REX Mobile App today and experience the difference AI Copilot can make in your recruiting processes.